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Registering at Austin Peay State University

注册奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的课程对你的人生道路很重要 to graduation. 你们每学期至少要这样做一次,我们要确保这一点 information related to this process is readily available.

有许多不同的因素有助于有效和高效的注册. 请查看下面的列表,并利用链接的页面,如果进一步的信息 is needed.

Key Areas: Priority Registration | Key Contact Areas | 改变你的主修、辅修、专注或学术兴趣 | Course Choice Counts | Four Year Plan | Degree Audit / Degree WorksOneStop Advising Page | Academic Advisor | Academic Holds | Registering | Withdrawing from a Course/Changing Time | Confirming Classes

When can I register?

根据学生在大学的分类,他们可以在不同的时间注册. 如果您是在校生,则以注册日期为准 opens, not when you have to register by. If you are not attending classes during the semester, 您可以在“公开注册”显示的日期及之后进行注册! 

Priority Registration Schedule

Spring and Summer 2025
October 21, 2024 - October 25, 2024
Student Classification 1st Date to Register Day Time
Graduate Students October 21 Monday 12:00 A.M.
SR (Senior / 90 and above earned hours) October 21 Monday 12:00 A.M.
Active Duty Military October 21 Monday 12:00 A.M.
Veterans/Special Groups October 22 Tuesday 12:00 A.M.
JR (Junior / 60 - 89 earned hours) October 23 Wednesday 12:00 A.M.
SO (Sophomore / 30 - 59 earned hours) October 24 Thursday 12:00 A.M.
FR (Freshmen / 0 - 29 earned hours) October 25 Friday 8:00 A.M.
Open Registration Begins October 26 Saturday 12:00 A.M.

Open Registration (October 26):  对所有学生开放,包括已完成所有重新入学的重新入学学生 requirements, Transient and Special students.  Students may continue to register until classes begin. 挣时不包括你目前注册的课程 or any developmental (DSP) course work.

Example 1: At the end of Fall you had 40 earned hours (no DSP hours). You are currently registered for 12 hours; you would register on October 21 (40 earned hrs - 0 DSP hrs = 40 earned hrs).

Example 2: At the end of Fall you had 30 earned hours (6 DSP hours). You are currently registered for 15 hours; you would register October 22 (30 earned hrs - 6 DSP hrs = 24 earned hrs).

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Who do I contact when...

Common Questions and Contacts

Question(s) Contact
  1. I have a hold on my account
Review your hold - if you are not sure how to, click 'Academic Holds' - contact the area related to your hold
  1. I cannot see my hold on Onestop Advising...
  2. I have a question about my transfer equivalencies
  3. I have a question about FERPA
Office of the Registrar
Phone: 931-221-7121
E-mail: registrar@vwv123.com
  1. I am not cleared to register
Contact your Academic Advisor. 如果你不确定如何找出谁是你的学术顾问,请点击“Academic Advisor.如果你的AP一站式咨询页面上没有列出学术顾问, please utilize the  365bet directory http://acf.vwv123.com/directory/ and search for your academic department. A good point of contact is the Academic Assistant to the Chair or an Administrative Assistant. 
  1. I have a balance to pay off
  2. I need to set up a payment plan
Student Account Services
Phone: 931-221-6285
E-mail: SAS@vwv123.com
  1. I cannot remember my AP OneStop Password
Phone: 931-221-4357
  1. I have a question about my scholarships
  2. I have a question about Financial Aid
  3. I have a question about FAFSA
  4. I have a question about Tennessee Promise
Phone:  931-221-7907
  1. If you have a question about VA Education Benefits
      • GI Bill® – Post 911 and Montgomery
      • Fry Scholarship
      • Dependents’ Education Assistance
  2. If you have a question about VA Veteran Readiness & Employment (previously VA Vocational Rehabilitation)
  3. If you have a question about VA fee deferments
  4. If you have a question about VA enrollment and retroactive certifications
  5. If you have a question about Yellow Ribbon
  6. If you have a question about Veterans’ Dependents’ Post-Secondary Education Assistance (TCA 49-7-102 waiver)
  7. If you have a question about Parent Letters
  8. If you have a question about VA advance payment
  9. If you have a question about Public Laws: 115-251, 116-315 & CH 31 for in-state residency
GI Bill®是退伍军人事务部(VA)的注册商标。.
Office of Veteran Education Benefits
Phone:  931-221-7760
  1. I have a question about the Fort Campbell Campus
  2. I have a question about Tuition Assistance
AP Fort Campbell Campus
Email:  APFortCampbell@vwv123.com

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How do I change my major? How do I change my Academic Interest (Tennessee Promise)? How do I add a minor? How do I change my major's concentration?

You may want to change your major or academic interest at the university; however, 在培养专业或学术兴趣之前,有几个关键步骤需要采取 change occurs.

Step 1. Contact your Academic Advisor
Step 2. 联系经济援助办公室,看看改变专业是否会影响你的学业 financial aid/scholarships at 931-221-7907 or at sfao@vwv123.com
Step 3. If all approved, go to OneStop.

If you are not currently utilizing Tennessee Promise:

To change your major, add/change a minor, add/change your major concentration

Go to OneStopWeb Self ServiceStudent Registration 更改或申报主修、专注及/或副修→更改主修

If you are currently utilizing Tennessee Promise:

To change your academic interest

Go to OneStopWeb Self ServiceStudent Registration 改变或申报主修、主修和/或副修→改变学术兴趣

有关如何更改学术课程的更多说明,请参阅 web page below.


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What is Course Choice Counts?

为了获得联邦资助来支付你主修、辅修或其他学位的课程 requirements, it must 成为你的学习计划的一部分,或者必须获得所需的总学时 for your degree.  参加不属于你学习计划的课程可能会导致这种情况 获得的联邦财政援助减少,而且可能不得不支付课程费用 out-of-pocket. Learn more about Course Choice Counts below!

Course Choice Counts

您可以查看您被建议的课程是否/如何符合您的学位计划 the Degree Works 'What-If' video below:

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How do I view my 4-year sample plan?

Your four year sample 计划是你四年制学位的一个例子. Keep in mind, in some majors, the exact course ordering is not important. For other majors, the ordering of courses may be important. Be sure to speak to your Academic Advisor regarding this to make sure you are on the path to graduate! Use the 'Program Finder' below to find your four-year degree sample plan! 

Program Finder

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How do I view my Degree Audit in Degree Works?

查看你的学位审核是你通往奥斯汀毕业之路的一个重要工具 Peay State University. Degree Works团队制作了一个视频来解释 how to access and review your Degree Audit.



Degree Audit in Degree Works

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How do I see if I am cleared to register? How do I review my AP OneStop Advising Notes?

您将导航到您的AP一站式建议页面,看看这个学期是否符合您的要求 are planning to register for have a 'green' checkmark.

How do you get to your AP OneStop Advising Page? Go to OneStop Advising Page → Scroll down until you see the 'Advising and Registration Information' area.

AP OneStop Advising Page您可以在AP一站式咨询页面上找到更多信息 below.

AP OneStop Advising Page

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How do I know who my Academic Advisor is? I do not have an Academic Advisor listed, who do I contact?

您可以在AP一站式建议页面上查看您的学术顾问是谁,如下所示 below. 这个区域应该在AP一站式建议页面的右上角. You can click the name of your Academic Advisor to e-mail them. 

AP Academic Advisor

如果您没有看到列出的学术顾问,请联系您的学术部门 (i.e. 行政助理给你分配一份. If you are classified 作为一名新生,请联系大学学生成功.


365bet Directory (Searching for a contact)

如果您对如何审查您的AP一站式建议页面有疑问,或者什么关键 它有关于它的信息,请随时查看下面的链接.

AP OneStop Advising Page

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I have an Academic Hold that is preventing registration. How do I resolve it? Who do I contact?

有许多不同的持有可能会阻止您的注册. It is 重要的是,你要检查你的账户,看看你是否有保留. You can review if 您在AP一站式咨询页面上有几个方面的保留. One of the most important areas is the top of your Advising Page.

OneStop Advising Page Hold Information

如果“hold”显示为“YES”,请点击“YES”文本,或向下滚动AP一站式咨询 Page to the 'Administrative Holds' area. If the hold is showing under Administrative Holds, call the 'Originator.' More information on 'Originators' can be found on the 'Academic Holds Preventing Registration' web page below.

如果您无法查看您的持有,建议致电注册官办公室 at (931) 221-7150. 

AP OneStop Administrative Hold Area

想了解更多关于你可以拥有的保留类型以及联系谁的信息, please review the page below.

Academic Holds Preventing Registration

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How do I register?

在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学注册课程有很多种方式, 但最简单的方法之一是使用我们的AP日程计划系统. The video below explains the process in-depth.

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我想把我的课程时间改到其他时间,我该怎么做呢? I want to drop a course, how do I do that? I want to switch my course out with another course, how do I do that?

改变你的学习计划可能会影响你的经济援助、奖学金、 and graduation progress. 在申请之前联系你的学术顾问是很重要的 做任何关于改变你的日程安排的决定,如果你正在利用任何 奖学金或经济援助,联系经济援助办公室.

关于如何退课、更改课程时间或切换课程的说明 section, can be found below.

Withdrawing from a Course

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Do I need to confirm my classes? Do I need to confirm my classes even if I have a 0 balance?

Yes! 确认你的课程对维持你的学期计划很重要! 关于如何确认您的类的更多信息,以及如果您不这样做意味着什么 confirm your classes can be reviewed below.

Confirming your classes

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